A Dream Journal

I'd tried and failed several times to keep diaries of my day to day life but every time I made an entry, I felt I was simply repeating myself as it was all stuff I'd just already done and said. I have a knack for remembering my dreams so it came to me as the perfect hobby to try and remember my dreams and write them down the best I could. Dreams have always interested me and considering we spend much of our lives sleeping, I find it'd be a shame to forget all that time, strolling in our own subconscious.
Here is my dream journal, remembered the best I can, for your enjoyment and consideration.
(Please don't be worried by the relatively old dates in the titles of the posts. The journal is originally on paper and I'm currently typing it all up, posting it progressively from oldest to newest. This blog is still very much alive!)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Night of October 18-19, 2009

I remember watching homemade videos made of a man who was present when some sort of air show went wrong. He was in his thirties, had a gun, a nice camera and talked about what was happening. Everything was going normally until one of the huge cargo planes with four propellers caught fire. The tail was completely up in flames and the plane was lazily rolling around on the runways (luckily it hadn't taken off yet). The man said that they must be really hot and that having your plane on fire is very bad. He sounded worried. All of a sudden, the airplane exploded in a massive fireball. Pieces the size of cars were launched everywhere and there was a huge shock wave. The man just barely dodged two of them by diving out of the way. Smoke was everywhere and half the runway was on fire. All the spectators who had previously started to lose interest rushed back to try to help. Emergency crews were there. There was even some other man collecting guns for a charity and he went through the crowd. Although I don't know why he was there, the cameraman reluctantly gave his. As more and more non-spectators gathered wondering what happened, I woke up.

Night of October 16-17, 2009

I remember the dream was pretty much just like the trip we (school people and I) took to the Petit Prince in London yesterday. It's all pretty blurry though.

Night of October 15-16, 2009

I remember being at school in a really boring math class. I remembered it was a dream and I woke myself up.
Being so tired, I fell back asleep within a few seconds and went on to dream about something else.

Night of October 14-15, 2009

I think I dreamt about Neon Genesis Evangelion and school mixed together because although I can't exactly remember everything, those seem to ring a bell.

Night of October 13-14, 2009

I remember the dream had to do with school — maybe the sausage sale (“German bratwurst”) the seventh years had to raise money had to do with it.

Night of October 12-13, 2009

I remember I was leaving school to move to France. It was my last day in England and I might not have told my friends I was leaving. It was right after biology class. Mr Fehr came and met me near the bulletin boards inside and handed me a Q-tip (which I think I had asked him for before). We walked over to the entrance of the library and as we did, he remarked how dedicated I was to science and that that was good. Emilia, Marie, and Laura we there but I don't think they understood.

Night of October 11-12, 2009

I remember the whole dream being in Fallout 3. I was going around collecting some different items, and getting attacked by raiders. I was in a huge bombed-out amphitheater when a massive Super Mutant Behemoth came out. They are normally about fifteen feet tall but this one was over thirty. I went into the Pip-boy and found my T-Rex which I was saving for this. It was about the same size. I took direct control of it and the two of us duked it out like the T-Rex and King Kong in Peter Jackson's King Kong.
Second dream. Mama, Papa, Natasha and I all went to a nature exhibit and talk. It was at a little nature reserve. Our guide would show us some things in one of the buildings then we'd walk to another one of the small buildings (they were kind of like the gift shops at national parks although they were more of a museum than a store) and he'd show us things there. He was talking about ecosystems and plants in what appeared to be a jungle environment. There was a fairly large display with a rocky outcropping, a little waterfall pouring over it and many ferns and similar plants on top. The entire hing was covered in spider webs. Not the little ones in the air made by small spiders but the ones on the ground left by the huge ones. Our guide was sitting on all of this and while he talked he picked at the webs and threw them away. He sorta just peeled them off. I asked him what had made them (even though that was stupid because I knew perfectly well). He said, “Ah, I'll show you,” and he teased out a massive black tarantula-type spider with bright yellow stripes. I was terrified and covered my eyes but it was too late; I had seen its face and figure. Mama then explained to the confused man that I was arachnophobic and he said, “ah.” Then he thought of something clever. He put down the spider which he had (accidentally or even on purpose) killed when he caught it and he took out a piece of paper. He nicely asked me to watch even though it might be a little bit scary. He drew (very well, I might add) the spider he just showed me. Then he drew it again but as slightly smaller and more like an ordinary house spider (which aren't as traumatizing — but still scary). He made the face go away, the legs thinner and the abdomen be much smaller (or whatever that gross bulb is called). Through a succession of quick sketches, he “made” the monster a bit less scary. He said that if I got the willies from thinking about or having seen a spider, to think about it as a lot smaller and less scary spider. Soon after the tour was over and I woke up. I like his advice. I think that it could work because my mind gets stuck on one image so if I could get it to at least stick on a less frightening one, I wouldn't be up at three-thirty in the morning writing this with my teddy bear kept close). I'm going to try it in the real world when the time comes. Thanks mister!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Night of October 10-11, 2009

I remember working on a huge ship when, like in the movies, most of the crew turned to zombies. I think they would faint first then sort of wake up as mindless zombies. It wasn't scary at all and even kind of funny most of the time. For example, one of the first people to faint, fainted for some other completely different reason. We locked his body in a big trunk but at the end of the dream, he woke up (next to the dead bodies of some zombies we killed and stuffed in later) and panicked and that was funny. There really wasn't much story to the whole thing. I can't remember the middle very well (I simply recall shooting zombies). In the end, two remaining survivors and I all crammed into a fighter jet (I guess we were on an aircraft carrier) and tried to escape. We didn't really know how to fly but we were in the Caribbean so the water was only a few feet deep (and very beautiful and pristine) so we kept the landing gear down and just tried to drive the plane like a car. Another part of the air force sent a helicopter to see what was happening. It saw us but when we couldn't identify ourselves as authorized pilots (which we weren't, anyways), it tried to shoot us. One of the other survivors pleaded for the helicopter to stop and said that his brother was an F-1 pilot (so that he had some experience with big, fast machines) but as the helicopter kept shooting, he got hit and started bleeding. We stopped the plane and opened the cockpit and tried to help him but he died in our arms. We then heard normal human screams from the ship, ran back, and it turned out to be the guy we had locked in the trunk I mentioned before. We saw some other survivors who had been in the ship as well before while we had been fighting zombies. Credits scrolled up then, as though it had all been a movie. There was strange song playing in the background which went: “A dog went out with my girlfriend,” in the same general style as “Ain't Got No” by Nina Simone. I could also hear Papa as though he had been watching the movie too. Liking the song, I wake up.

Night of October 9-10, 2009

I remember being in a house with Lennart v. S. (German), Louise B. and Camille D. We all got presents for something. Louise got a bottle of perfume.

Night of October 8-9, 2009

I remember getting an invitation from a friend in San Francisco or Peter in South Africa. I could leave as soon as I was ready and it would be just me who went, very exciting! I needed to take a bus to the train station then a train. The train would go to the airport and I could fly on the soonest flight. I was getting ready when Papa said that the trains stop running around 9 PM (it was 8:45 PM) and don't restart until morning. I didn't want to wait until morning to go on this big adventure because I was so excited, I'd never sleep (How ironic...). Frustrated, not against Papa but the trains, I guess, I woke up. Remembering it's Friday and I have to go to school now, I really don't want to have woken up. But real life is good! It's morning. Let's go!

Night of October 7-8, 2009

I remember a motel room and being with Mama and Papa. I remember a complicated VHS or DVD player. I remember wanting to go camping in Big Sur again. I remember being in Mr Shenton's class and his being in an extremely cranky and temperamental mood. There was also some huge (like massive!) party at the school. I don't remember what it was for. It wasn't like a dance sort of party but like a big graduation with parents and teachers present too.

Night of October 6-7, 2009

I remember being on a shopping street with Papa, Mama and Natasha. We went into a video store and I wanted to buy something however Papa said that we had to get our passport photo appointment on time and buying something would take too long. For a little while I had a stroller with me and we decided to take a shortcut because the street was quite hilly. We asked the owners of a pizzeria if we could cut through behind their shop and they allowed us. One of them saw me and recognized me from something (although I never seen him in either the real world or dream) and he became really happy. All the employees come out to say hello and they were very excited, He gave me two personal-sized pizzas for free and sent us on our way. I never got to eat any of it because then I woke up. Mama had some, though, and said it was very good.

Night of October 5-6, 2009

I remember quite a few things happening but I don't actually remember what they are. There was stuff at school. Something almost like a quiz show where we had to know a particular word. There was another part where we had to do something more constructive. Like building a project or learning something.

Night of October 4-5, 2009

I remember watching videos of Evangelion. Papa was out on a walk to talk on his cell phone (with Patrina, I think) so I stayed up late. Mama and Natasha were there too. At some other time Camille Deer and I went with a teacher outside, at night, and saw how ants reproduce. We also learned how to understand their pheromones directly.

Night of October 3-4, 2009

I remember the beginning was very weird and long. I was at school and it was cloudy and I think people were chasing me around. Near the main road, there was a river and some boathouses. I stayed in there for a while with some girl. Later in the dream, I applied to the military (American Army) just for the weekend for fun. I could complete the courses and exercises on the computer to go up in rank. I got up to Average Strategist or something (as opposed to Petty or Major) which was between a third and halfway up the list of positions on the “following orders” type of ranks. (After going up that list, you become an officer and give orders instead.) I went downstairs and watched TV where I remember watching in The Simpsons as Homer and the rest of the town have a big party. The news guy, Kent Brockman, said “The music is so loud it is permeating and getting stuck in the heads of our 200 IQ city dwellers, hurting the heads of the 100 IQ suburbanites. And just confusing those 32 IQ people out in the country.” There it showed Cletus, the hillbilly, just rambling around in circles crazily.

Night of October 2-3, 2009

More to do with school.

Night of October 1-2, 2009

We were on a field trip with all the Culham people and something like the Bay to Breakers was going on. The runners went through the canteen or cafeteria or whatever.

Night of September 30-October 1, 2009

I remember both Natasha and ChloĆ« K. were having marriages at the school. It was evening and everyone was bustling around helping. I don't remember who Natasha was marrying, ChloĆ« was marrying Nick R. from the German section. On a side of interest, my alarm clock was a very mellow sleepy song. (City Girl—Kevin Shields) and I'm sure I could hear it near the end of my dream before I woke up.

Night of September 29-30, 2009

I remember Louis and I were at a gas station pumping gas when a really dazed man who walked like a zombie came slowly up to us. He slowly tried to take our stuff. We kept trying to punch and kick him but it wasn't doing very much. Another one, a huge fat one and so I hit the alarm button on the pump and the gas station attendant came out, handed us sticks and all three of us beat them away. We went in a car past the same place (which had turned into a literal graveyard now) to see if there were a few we could take on. We counted four or five but then saw a huge group of maybe twenty and we drove off really fast and scared. I remember being on the school bus with everyone from Culham. It was going through huge valleys and past big things like this. We ended up at a mall and we all played rugby in a restaurant where they had cleared out a big space. I had the ball, but was being dragged down. I passed the ball through the legs of someone to Sofian D. who scored and the entire restaurant cheered. As we started to leave, I had to run back and get my jacket. A girl tried to ask me out but I said “no”. She was a chavette (I think that's a word). Later, at school, they were building stores into where the 6th and 7th common rooms were. There was a costume shop, a Halloween store, and others. An art store was having a demonstration and the man showed us how to make paint by mixing different muds.