A Dream Journal

I'd tried and failed several times to keep diaries of my day to day life but every time I made an entry, I felt I was simply repeating myself as it was all stuff I'd just already done and said. I have a knack for remembering my dreams so it came to me as the perfect hobby to try and remember my dreams and write them down the best I could. Dreams have always interested me and considering we spend much of our lives sleeping, I find it'd be a shame to forget all that time, strolling in our own subconscious.
Here is my dream journal, remembered the best I can, for your enjoyment and consideration.
(Please don't be worried by the relatively old dates in the titles of the posts. The journal is originally on paper and I'm currently typing it all up, posting it progressively from oldest to newest. This blog is still very much alive!)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Night of October 8-9, 2009

I remember getting an invitation from a friend in San Francisco or Peter in South Africa. I could leave as soon as I was ready and it would be just me who went, very exciting! I needed to take a bus to the train station then a train. The train would go to the airport and I could fly on the soonest flight. I was getting ready when Papa said that the trains stop running around 9 PM (it was 8:45 PM) and don't restart until morning. I didn't want to wait until morning to go on this big adventure because I was so excited, I'd never sleep (How ironic...). Frustrated, not against Papa but the trains, I guess, I woke up. Remembering it's Friday and I have to go to school now, I really don't want to have woken up. But real life is good! It's morning. Let's go!

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