A Dream Journal

I'd tried and failed several times to keep diaries of my day to day life but every time I made an entry, I felt I was simply repeating myself as it was all stuff I'd just already done and said. I have a knack for remembering my dreams so it came to me as the perfect hobby to try and remember my dreams and write them down the best I could. Dreams have always interested me and considering we spend much of our lives sleeping, I find it'd be a shame to forget all that time, strolling in our own subconscious.
Here is my dream journal, remembered the best I can, for your enjoyment and consideration.
(Please don't be worried by the relatively old dates in the titles of the posts. The journal is originally on paper and I'm currently typing it all up, posting it progressively from oldest to newest. This blog is still very much alive!)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Night of September 28-29, 2009

I remember some of a city. I think it was San Francisco, especially at nighttime.

Night of September 27-28, 2009

I remember being with Mama. It was a windy day and we were looking at a large flagpole on the building at the beginning of Saint Andrews road. It was partly hydraulic so it could absorb the stresses of being pushed around in the wind. The flagpole turned into a massive construction crane and we found ourselves at some docks with a river. The crane had to operate a draw bridge. While we and some other strangers watches the crane, it picked up a huge bundle of I-beams and began to swing it around. It loaded them onto a truck which drove around up some large scaffolding made for vehicles towards the river. It rounded the corner and was going so fast that it leaned off onto one side of wheels. It went out of sight for a second then, after going off a jump at full speed, flew over the river. The road it had to land on was elevated and the truck could never had made it. The truck smashed into head on obliterating the cabin and, inevitably, the driver. No one could believe what had just happened. It was getting dark and a large spotlight illuminated the driver's floating body. A lady was already calling the emergency number so I put away my cell phone and woke up.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Night of September 26-27, 2009

I remember a lot of weird stuff in the beginning like horses, school, shopping centers etc. Near the end, I had to, with Natasha, go to Blockbuster to get a Transformers movie for her, Mama and Grandma who was visiting. It was really expensive (6) and needed to be returned on the same night. Mama appeared and we got distracted looking at other movies and then at a cool hoodie which was white, had big squares of color and a black checkered interior. It looked kinda chavvy though Mama thought the inside was actually green so we started arguing (friendlily). I was a bit stressed because I had to be somewhere (I think the airport). About to take the jacket to a stranger to ask him to settle the argument, I wake up.

Night of September 25-26, 2009

I remember driving for a little bit up to a gas station. The type of neighborhood was like the Sunset. Natasha was there and she continually, non-stop complained about my jeans and threatened that I needed new ones. It was very sunny, the bus drivers were cranky and there was a Mexican restaurant; good to be home.

Night of September 24-25, 2009

I remember two little boys. They were discussing/arguing something.

Night of September 23-24, 2009

I remember being at school and the dream revolving around someone's grades on a test. Could be Camille D.'s.

Night of September 22-23, 2009

I remember being in a city. It looked mostly like SF. There was a hospital (which, around back looked more industrial like UCSF than the JR) and I had to drive through it at least twice. Each time was with a new group of people. I think the first time was with my family and the second with some friends. There was a chimney thing and every so often a little poof of a fireball came out of it. I liked explaining how there was hydrogen coming out as well as well as CO2 and the CO2 would block up the chimney for a few seconds so there was a build up of hydrogen. The heat would ignite it.

Night of September 21-22, 2009

I remember over twenty of us from school were staying in a nice suite in a hotel. The area was full of hooligans and at one point where everyone was sleeping except me and a few others, a little kid broke in. Her mother came by and was angry not at her but at us. There was also the gossip and such of my liking Camille (D.) and she believed it too. But just like in real life, that isn't true.

Night of September 20-21, 2009

I remember a sort of random free-association following a few people's lives. For example, I remember a boy in Malaysia or Thailand. We knocked down a bee's nest and then ran inside to hide from the bees as they came after us. The doors were sliding wooden frames with a plastic “perfect for stopping them.” The bees themselves were nearly two feet long with six-inch stingers. At the same time, they sorta resembled locusts. Scared that there might be some other giant deadly bug like a spider, I wake up.

Night of September 19-20, 2009

I remember Mama, Natasha, Papa and I were all driving around in a red convertible through Oxford. I was the one driving and I was actually doing better than most of my driving dreams. Mama said she had read that wearing a baseball cap dramatically reduced the possibility of injury in a side impact. I put a red one on but I constantly had to readjust it or put it back on because of the wind. Thinking about how this just made things less safe because I wasn't concentrating on the road and my hands weren't always on the wheel, I wake up.

Night of September 18-19, 2009

I was at the dance at school. The tower block had rooms inside to hang out in. I think they had to be rented. There was a sofa for sitting and a bed for otherwise. I don't actually remember what we were doing. Nothing... lewd, of course! There was Ana (Spanish), Louise, me and some others maybe. We were all together just laughing about stuff. Most of them seemed pretty inebriated. Slightly bored by the end, I leave, (and see a big line on the ground floor for the room) and wake up.

Night of September 17-18, 2009

I remember Natasha, Mama, Papa and I were going to go one a road trip. We took some things and made some food and were sitting outside our real house in England, waiting for the bus. I kept running late and Papa was getting annoyed at me. I went back inside (the bus stop was exactly outside out house) to get something for the food which sort of was my job or responsibility. It was quite messy inside, and, as usual, nothing was where it should be. Anyways, I went inside and went to the little attachment near the kitchen with a bathroom inside although, here, it was slightly bigger and had a second fridge. I looked inside for some more condiments and such for the sandwiches but only found some nearly empty packs of salami and ham. I went back outside in front of the house and told Papa and, rather crankily, said, “No.” Just then, the bus came but, since we had a lot of bags, I knew I had time to quickly run in and put it back. I ran up to the door, Papa said that the lock was smushed in or something like that. It was true, the whole deadbolt was pushed into the bolt although I figured I just didn't close the door properly or something. Then, Ned Flanders (don't laugh) who was our neighbor, came up as I was opening the door and asked which key was the key to his shop. He had asked this in either another dream or at the beginning of this one. I answered and, still in a purple bathrobe, continued down the street. I shouted after him that he should put a sticker on it or something and he said something about “letting the hammer drop.” I went inside (that before with Ned Flanders had only taken like five seconds) to the little attachment thing but the door was locked. There was a one foot gap above the door and I could hear a shower running on the other side and I could see the water vapor as well. I was really confused. Who was in the shower? It wasn't so much that a shower wasn't there before; that kinda stuff changes all the time. Trying to peek over the door, I said, “Natasha?” and right then I felt the biggest, hardest blow to my head, ever. I fell down on my back, next to the door, looking up and saw a man in a purple bathrobe thought I didn't see his face. He held out a sledgehammer and dropped it on the side of the door. Terrified, I wake up.

Night of September 16-17, 2009

I remember something with me being more independent like I was on a bus to leave or something. I don't know.

Night of September 15-16, 2009

At school, we became quite the political activists. We were photoshopping a famous photo to make a point. Everyone in our class was getting into it. After that, I remember going through the university grounds and half “breaking into” their libraries to look something. I was going into each one (each was about the size of a small room) and I happened to at the same time as someone else. I was in the French library. The libraries were each their own buildings like the classrooms in Bay Park near the field. They were looking up some author and as I was getting distracted, I woke up.

Night of September 14-15, 2009

I had a pretty big and fun dream however I woke up a few minutes before my alarm and fell back asleep. I guess that's how fleeting they are.
[five minutes later] Oh yeah, I vaguely remember now. I was going to college and I was gonna live in an English cottage type of house. The ones with the thatched roofs and that are in the “villages”. I would only get a few suitcases for all my stuff and I wouldn't get the rest for almost a year. It was very hard to figure out what to bring and I was pretty lost. Even through I was on a schedule, I just sorta walked around my room, confused and discombobulated.

Night of September 13-14, 2009

I remember going to a sports game with Mama, Natasha, and Papa as well as with the two mischievous twins from the Arthur show. At the end we couldn't find them and it turned out they went with some strangers.

Night of September 12-13, 2009

I just remember downloading stuff onto iTunes and being scared that I'd go over the limit. That's all.

Night of September 11-12, 2009

I remembered I moved to a small town in Antarctica for school. Papa, Mama, Natasha and I arrived on an airplane and we went to see some cool tourist destinations like a huge rock formation and a large coniferous forest. Later, I was going to school on the bus. I think Oli was sort of there. I say sort of because I remember texting him, him sitting next to me and his being in another bus which took an exit off the freeway to the airport. Either way, I was able to talk to him a little bit. He didn't understand why I had to leave and that it was a shame that I couldn't play basketball with him. We were both very sad as our buses drifted off in separate directions. I got off the bus and was in an area full of fields with a main road and houses and small towns connected to it. It looked a lot like the road to the European School to be honest. Either way, we had to start jogging to the school, for some reason although the sidewalk was very slippery because it was started to drizzle during the bus ride. One guy from the new school, right after an intersection, and with the reflective thing traffic people wear, turned around and put his hand out for us to stop because a car was coming. We were all very spread out and plenty of people were in front of him. Anyways, I didn't notice him and I saw the car coming and told myself I had enough time to go in front of it (which I did) so I crossed. Halfway through, he blew a whistle at me and I was so startled I slipped and because of that, I almost got run over. He yelled at me for not stopping, I told him it was really hard to stop and some girls already on the other side giggled. Very close was the school. It was very small, a five hundred yards from the road. In front of it was a bed of flowers arranged in a big yellow smiley face. Next to the school, on the right, (if you're standing at the school and facing the road) was a very fancy, expensive girls-only private school. They were all sitting on long benches perfectly aligned and glaring at us while girly punk-rock music blared out their open windows. As I came up to the school, it looked really rundown. Its walls were either sheets of metal or, more likely, unpainted concrete. On it, and just past the door, were bumper stickers stuck to the wall with things like “J is for Jesus,” and “F is for Forgiveness,”. It was dark and the reception room was the size of my bedroom (pretty small). Everyone was going into a classroom on the left so I followed them. In it were sixteen metal school desks (the kind with a compartment underneath to pencil cases, paper, or books) clumped together in groups of eight. Some people were already seated so I sat down too. The teacher (a woman in her late thirties) didn't really mention anything about my being new but went to work teaching French and studying some text. It looked really, really easy. It was then that I realized what I had been put into (not literally, I was still in a school, of course). I was sad because I already missed Culham and saw what an opportunity it was to go there. I thought about the different teachers and students. The ones in the classroom looked really boring (I guess, it being a dream after all, I could tell). I knew instantly looking at the lifeless building that we would be lucky to even have chemistry and there would be no more Mr Fehr. History would be even more boring and we'd have no Mr Edwards to recount his history. I know I would never have put myself in this situation. “It must be a dream!” I told myself because I was sure of it. I tried to wake up but I couldn't and sitting in the chair, quietly panicked. As another student got up, (probably to write something on the board) I asked the teacher if I could just get some air and before she could answer, I got up and woke up.

Night of September 10-11, 2009

I don't remember much although there was something with a car. I think it crashed by rolling over. I don't remember if I was in it.

Night of September 9-10, 2009

I remember being in a very slummy and dangerous part of a city. It looked like Oxford although Oxford doesn't have any that were as bad as that. I was now quite lost but more stranded and had to walk a long way home by myself. When I got to a busier shopping area with a few restaurants, Mama and Papa were then with me. I remember then, the police pulled up, chased away some punks and picked up an aerosol deodorant can. They smelled it and kept it so we figured it must have had drugs in it. All going home together, I woke up.

Night of September 8-9, 2009

I remember, like most big dreams, being on a big quest. I was up in the mountains and I had a cheap motorcycle (like a 1980's Honda CBR). I was fighting someone else on a motorcycle and we kept trying to get the other to fall of the cliff on one side of the plateau we were riding on. I won. As he fell, it turned out to be someone in a sort of plot twist. The next thing I remember is being at a castle. Hagrid was being chased out of it by an angry mob although he had time to say goodbye to me and a thing that look like Shrek only much cuter and a bit smaller. He said we needed to stay where we were and finish our studies. After he left, I didn't care and followed him on my motorcycle. I met up with him on the plateau. Well, it's more like an area with really steep walls going up on 3 sides and one drop on the other side. Anyways, when I got to him, the dream changed him to Papa and Natasha. We looked at a big stone coming out of the ground which, whenever someone stood in front of it, showed them in how much danger they were in in the form of a convenient graph. We kept going along one of the tree tall sides (there was a rope bridge-style platform that went along it). We passed a few people and Papa talked about how in old video games, people couldn't pass each other but one had to go back so the other could go through. As he went on about if the trigger on the Wii remote is analog or not, (he “proved” it wasn't) I woke up.

Night of September 7-8, 2009

I remember being outside a McDonald's after coming out of the outside toilets next to it. (Well, not really outside, just detached like at gas stations.) Malfoy was there, by himself or not, I can't remember. He was calling me names and the random person I was with. We just acted really smug and completely cool as he tried to provoke me. He got desperate and grabbed a kid and bullied him and he said something but I don't remember. I just said, “yeah,” shrugged my shoulders and went inside. It was really hard to order my food inside because I couldn't find the real menu and only saw the weird specials. The cashier was an older woman and very nice and patient. Finally remembering chicken strips and just going to order them anyways, I wake up.

Night of September 6-7, 2009

I remember going to a store to buy two older games for GCN but when I came back, they were actually N64 games in PAL. Because I knew I would never make that mistake, I know it was a dream and I woke up.

Night of September 4-5, 2009

I remember being with friends, most who I'd never seen but the ones I knew were more the “smart” ones in my class. Like Isabelle. We were discussing, as we got on a train, how lucky we were to go to a school where they are allowed to tackle, discuss, and address “controversial issues”.

Night of September 3-4, 2009

I remember being at a beach town. It was an exorbitantly expensive neighborhood like the ones in L.A. I lived at a hotel and drove a fancy SUV. It was nearly impossible to drive because although the steering was fine, the gear selection was a button and a dial (like the ones in BMW's, I think). You had to hold down the button and turn the dial to change gears. I was kinda driving all over the place and it was actually really fun, if not a bit scary. I went to a car wash and the SUV, turned into a convertible sports car and I had to raise the roof to put it through the car wash. While it was getting cleaned, I met Natasha and Mama in the parking lot nearby and they were riding my new bicycle. In the dream, it had really confusing controls and Mama even bumped into one of the parked cars. Out there, in the L.A. heat, by the beach, as all was well, I woke up.

Night of September 2-3, 2009

I know I had a dream because I remember having one. I just don't remember what it is itself.

Night of September 1-2, 2009

I hardly remember anything. It was one of those “epic” dreams. The kind that's a huge complicated story and it changes and stuff.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Night of August 31-September 1, 2009

I remember being at a waterfront and seeing a giant boulder-looking UFO float around in the sky. It had come out of nowhere and the military was shooting it. It exploded and shattered. People were scared of something bad happening to them by the government like brain-washing or worse because of some sort of cover-up conspiracy. Later, the dream changed pace and I went to a supermarket. I went to the butcher's and deli section and there was the girl from that reality show called something like, “Young, dumb, and living off Mum”. She was the winner. I didn't recognize her as that or if I did, I didn't act on it. I was looking at all the dead chickens and the fake cheese decoration. She asked, like any good store keeper, if she could help me and I asked her about the chickens. She seemed off-put, as in, “Why does this guy care about that?” but I turned it into a (kinda stupid) joke that made her laugh and we talked about different things in the store. The conversation got to some of the fake mini-scenery and I accidentally hurt one of the bonsais. She got pretty angry but I made a random windmill, pinwheel-looking thing out of things lying around in two seconds and just randomly stuck it in the ground where the bonsai had been, She smiled and then made one herself. We looked at each other and instantly a race broke out on who could make the most windmills. I looked up from what I was doing and the entire store had been replaced by a huge sunny field on a hill. The countertop we had been at was then a small cliff sort of indentation in the hill. Behind us were a few people from school and they were with some friends whom I'd never seen before. The girl started singing to herself a Broadway musical song as we made pinwheels and randomly it got louder and music was playing from somewhere and the others joined in until it was like a big Sound of Music production. As we were all there, singing happily on that sunny hill, the giant boulder shaped UFO appeared out of the blue sky and swooped down and rocked back and forth in the air like a pendulum. Instantly the singing stopped and the people from school and their friends bolted off down the hill. The UFO came ever to closer to us two. There was a jeep nearby and I knew that we could try to run away but I didn't know if that was a good idea. It was a strange feeling. Sort of like: if we stay here, they'll look at us and get bored and leave but if we try to run they'll just follow us or worse. Wishing really hard not to be abducted, I wake up.

Nap of August 31, 2009 Woke up at 10:35 AM

I remember following the life of an African couple, vaguely, with their children as they were on a sunny beach in Korea but couldn't get either home or to America because of visa problems. The dream went back to me and I was on the very crowded beach with Mama, Papa, and Natasha. We left to go home (which apparently was nearby) but on the way, I remembered I had left my bag on the beach. We went back near the road and Papa and I looked down near the water. He found it stuck in the sand and was trying to dig it out but kept getting hit by waves (which hit me too). Just as he got it out, a massive twenty-foot wave tsunami swelled up and hit him then came towards me. I hardly had any time to react but I cupped my hands over my mouth and as the wave passed over me, I just breathed the air cupped in my hands. On the way back, Papa told me about how he had dived into the middle of the wave, effectively going through it, and I told him what I did and how I thought that it only worked with pressurized air. At home, (which was, of course, almost identical inside to the one in England) we discovered house spiders everywhere. Not like in the movies where the floor is covered or anything but like two here, two there, all spread out. In my closet, there were two in the bottom left corner on a spiral web and a big moth came and landed on it. It was a big too big to really get caught but it wasn't free so it sort of shuffled it's way on the surface of the web to the edge. The spiders then worked together to build the web bigger out in the direction that the moth was going so that it wouldn't get to the edge and escape. It was happening surprisingly quickly and I watched in amazement and horror as a series of flat, spiral spiderwebs grew out in three dimensions out toward me, each one supported by the other, It also kept moving towards me and, being so scared, all I could do was crawl away. Then I heard Natasha complain from her room that it was infested with spiders and Mama was going to get the bug spray. Mama and Papa seemed preoccupied with making dinner and one of them said they'll, “start the rice first” before addressing the spiders. Infuriated, I started to go downstairs to get the bug spray myself when I woke up. I hate spiders.

Night of August 30-31, 2009

I remember being in a kind of documentary about water and a river after passing by a water theme park on the bus. When we were filming the movie by a river, I found and ate a plant I found in the water and temporarily turned into something like a Zora (Legend of Zelda). Later, I started school at a new school. It was huge, confusing, and spread out although everyone was understanding and nice. I couldn't find my bag for a while and was late to class by a few minutes. The classroom was on the roof and the walls were made of glass. It was also very small; only four of five students along with four teachers were inside around some desks. When I came in they sent out the students and locked and barred the door. The students were excited and laughing as they looked at me locked in with the teachers. One of the teachers turned around and shot me with something like a plasma pistol (from Fallout 3) and I fell to the floor and turned halfway into the Zora thing. The students stopped laughing and just stood there, jaws open. The other teachers stooped around me and asked threateningly where I got the plant that did that. I suspected they were from the Enclave (Fallout series) so I didn't tell them anything and woke up.

Night of August 29-30, 2009

I remember I was in a Tintin story. Capitaine Haddock and Tintin were on a train and I was one of the minor antagonists of the beginning of the story. My suitcase looked exactly like Capitaine Haddock's and I dropped mine and took his “by accident” without him noticing. We (the captain and I) got off the train at a station and as I walked over to Mama and Natasha, I became me again. They were sitting in a fenced off corner of the train station, the area about the size of a living room. There were sofas, and operating table, and a TV. Natasha was taking her surgery exam and she was making stitches in the back of the mouth of what looked like a human head although I don't know if it was a model. Mama was watching TV which kept distracting Natasha. Natasha finished up, then gave the teacher a paper which she wrote and the teacher began to grade it. I sat down with Mama on the sofa and she watched me play Pokemon on Game Boy Color.

Night of August 28-29, 2009

I remember being on the computer. In one window was the dream, in the other I was browsing the Internet. In the dream, all I remember in a sci-fi theme and being held prisoner. On the Internet, besides looking at the funeral plans for an author who died in 1195 and had a funeral theme of broccoli, I was also chatting with people. One of Rich's friends tole me how to free myself in the dream. It worked! I was also searching for a song for Natasha and this factored into the dream somehow, too. Once having freed myself and feeling happy, I wake up.
Second dream. I remember being at a sort of farmhouse with a large warehouse next door across a field. It was night-time and a I was with Marie and a few others whom I've never seen. We were all walking next to the warehouse when men with guns came out and told us to stand up, lined up, against the wall. They then told us to take off our clothes. Everyone was crying and hysterical because we thought we were going to die. Marie waited and didn't take off her clothes. Instead she ran for it into the field. I immediately did the same. Everyone else stayed behind. I found Marie hiding in the field (they were really tall crops; corn, maybe) and together we escaped back to the house and hid. The men with guns didn't come after us and our other companions were released. They came back to the house although most of their clothes were confiscated. I was with Mama, Natasha and Papa. I was arguing with Papa they living in some palace (I think it was Versailles) was better than living at some other smaller one next door although he didn't believe me. Outside, it was back to where I live in England although behind the house across the street were a whole bunch of fields with the same tall crops. It was August 12 which was harvest day because of the half-moon and Natasha and I wanted to watch. Mama left to go somewhere (I think to Vernon's) and I think Papa went to sleep. It was getting lighter so I went down to the fields and there were everyone from the Lycée as well as European School all playing a weird, faster version of American football but mixed with a bit of rugby too. I joined it and made a touchdown after a few minutes, then woke up.

Night of August 27-28, 2009

I remember being in a sort of bunker. There was an organization for the success and advancement of girls and women throughout the world and I was going missions for them there as well as at school. The leader gave me a collection of tools wrapped in a cloth and it was a great honor. Very surprised, I woke up.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Night of August 26-27, 2009

I remember being in a strange little town somewhere in England. I think I lived there. I saw on TV an ad for a contest saying that if you own “one of the new 'silent Mini's'” you can enter a contest happening at a nearby festival over the next two days. The first one to complete the challenge would win something. The festival was in town and I went over to the contest area, It was a test of strength and stamina. A rope was suspended across several poles, sometimes tilting up, or being coiled or whatever. The challenge was to hang onto it with both hands and inch our way through this sort of obstacle course. There was a small line and when I arrived maybe five people were waiting. They all failed quite miserably, going only about five feet before letting go. Then, it was my turn. It was actually very easy and pretty fun, as well. It was kind of like going on monkey bars, except sideways and on a rope. The announcer was yelling all sorts of stuff about me going (like a sports announcer on the radio) and was attracting a crowd. It got pretty hard near the end but everyone was cheering me on and I made it. I won! The condition of owning a “silent Mini” (it's what it sounds like; a small, ugly, go-cart sized Mini Cooper that made no sound at all) was out of dream or at least irrelevant and I could claim the grand prize. Showing off my massive sum of money and brand new, personal, private jet, I woke up.

Night of August 25-26, 2009

I remember being in San Francisco. It was night time and I think people were after me; like the police or something. I knew I couldn't get away on the streets so I climbed up onto the roof of a building and ran as fast as I could. I was running very fast, like Sonic. The traditional triangular roofs because ramps and as I ran off them, I'd soar over three houses and continue. Finally, I got my to my old house. I was on the roof of a house across the street and I could look inside because there was an open window. There was just a hallway, though. After that, the dream continues and I remember all sorts of little pieces from either that dream or another one, before or after. They include, walking around a newly replanned Haight Street and wondering why everything was different. There was also throwing rocks at Steve's son or nephew's van, and a detective policeman strangling another one. Somewhere, somehow, at sometime, I wake up.

Night of August 24-25, 2009

I remember a big house, Gwendal, some twins shouting people, sneaking around, putting on beanies and walking through subway tunnels to deliver drugs to a man but not waking up.

Night of August 23-24, 2009

I remember being on a trip. I think it was like an exchange because there were a few people from the schools I'd been to such as Julien from the European School and Jack C. from the Lycée. We were each with our partner whom I've never seen before. It was a cloudy day and we went into the lobby of a fancy and crowded apartment building. For kicks, we wanted to go on top partially because there would be a nice view and also because it was there. When we came up to the elevators, the doorman said we required our keycards (which, obviously, we never had in the first place because we didn't live there). Some of us tried to bargain or sneak our way onto one but it didn't work. Others just sat down in the lobby. Seeing my chance, I bolted towards an elevator more in the corner; the doors were closing but I missed it. I acted in very much a hurry as well as angry and impatient as well as though I lived there. When the doorman inquired as to if I had my keycard, I just shouted, “Yes, yes, I do, hurry up! Come on!” and I acted very exasperated with him. Not wanting to get in trouble, he opened the door with his key and I got on the elevator. No one was in it although buttons were already pushed. I rode the elevator up to the eleventh floor and then crossed over to one of the main elevators and went down (which did not require a keycard). When I got down to the lobby, I shouted over at my friends and exchanges to come over and as the doorman was about to protest, I assured him they were with me. As they got on, (we were maybe ten in all) they congratulated me with things like, “Ouais pour l'Américain!” and, “Haha, good job!” The doorman was very suspicious but let them on anyway. The elevator had a glass door and walls and many of the real residents were scared. The building was somewhat built into a cliff for the first five or so stories then continued up past that like a normal building. The elevators were on the side of the building in the cliff and it was a fun sight, seeing the light through to top of the elevator, then popping out of the ground right next to cars going on the freeway. The elevator turned into something like a monorail train and went off sideways away from the building and towards a shopping center with mostly car dealerships. We got off here and when we looked back, the monorail had turned into a city bus. Around this bus stop was a street and beyond that a closed car dealership. The bus stop was on the top of a hill. The hill was very steep with about a 50% inclination or 45º with “flat” being level ground (I think I have that right). On top was one, big, long, continuous slab of concrete. We all went down it sliding on our shoes, squatting down like a surfer. I was one of the last to go because I was looking for my phone which I lost or never had in the first place. When it was my turn, I had a lot of fun sliding down at least eighty feet down a hill, leaning to steer (although I kept drifting to the left) and going very fast, actually. I raced Jack down (being the last two) but because he wanted to do it with his socks instead of shoes, for some reason, I was much faster and got to Paul S. and Julien M. as well as the others from school and the exchanges first. As an innovative way (to say the least) to celebrate my victory, I woke up.

Night of August 22-23, 2009

I remember being in parking lot in the driver seat of a(n American) car. Mama was in the passenger seat on the right. It was much too cramped. Even with the seat completely back, it wasn't wide enough. When I said this, she lamented that no one knows how to spell “wider.” I spelled it out to her and she was just like, “Oh. Ok, there ya go.” Meanwhile I was driving around slowly as best I could, hardly being able to touch the pedals. I said I just couldn't do it so we switched places and she began to drive. In the parking lot, all the cars were bunched up together next to a coffee shop where maybe fifty people were sitting outside. She drove really, and I mean “really” fast between these cars, practically drifting and not bumping into anyone although they all got very scared. She went past all of them and looped back through the deserted part of the parking lot back where we started and said it was my turn. I found myself on a skateboard (with protection, of course) although just like in real life, I'm abysmal with skateboards. I just said, “What the heck,” and tried it. I started down the hill towards the coffee shop. I gained speed until I was careening through, narrowly missing the people driving out of the way. When I got to the “T” intersection directly after that, where I was supposed to take a left so I could loop back to the start like Mama did, out of control, I ran the red light and made a right then crossed the road directly after that (in a “T” intersection) while the crosswalk signal was red. As I did the latter, I zoomed past a little girl and her even littler brother who, surely in awe, followed me across the street. Their father, who had an empty pink stroller (for the girl, I guess), waited for the green then crossed carefully towards us. He completely ignored me (who had grabbed the pole with the traffic signals on it in a last-ditch effort to stop) and scolded his children about not waiting for him and crossing the road on a red, etc. Glad I was just alive and just as astonished by that fact, I wake up.

Night of August 21-22, 2009

I remember going to a train station in London. It was very dirty. Trash and miscellaneous possessions were being dumped on the ground by the police conducting searches on all the homeless as well as the tourists. Every single sign was graffitied on, disrespecting the authorities. Inside the station, on the upper floors, there was an arcade and I was playing there with Mama. I remembered I won a card which was a voucher and I could redeem it for a prize. We played some other games for a while, then decided it was time to go home. We got on the X13 but then I remembered the card. Mama said we might as well redeem it now because it might not work the next time we go there. We got off and I ran back to the arcade and went to the machine for getting prizes for a card. The smaller prizes for tickets were somewhere else. I inserted the card and a DVD-like case came out with “Sims 2 or Sims 3” written on it. I already have both of these games. Wondering who I should give it to as a present, I wake up.

Night of August 20-21, 2009

The dream had something to do with school. I hardly remember anything at all.

Night of August 19-20, 2009

I remember being in Japan with someone, trying to pull off the largest embezzlement in history. Everything was planned exactly although it wasn't really working. We were in a cafeteria when FBI-type agents came in. Although my accomplice wanted to keep on going, I said it'd be better if we just stopped and tried again later. Fretting, I wake up.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Night of August 18-19, 2009

I remember looking at a topographical map with Mama and seeing a tiny mountain-type formation in north-western US. I asked her what it was ans hse said that although she doesn't know, it should say. Sure enough, on the map, when I put the cursor over it, it said “Point 1” on it as well as “Route 1”. As I zoomed in, I found myself actually there. It was a place for daredevils, adrenaline junkies, and tourists who want to go to places that don't have gift-shops. It was on the coast and looked like an island that a lighthouse would be on, although it was a mountain or hill on the cliffs just next to the Pacific Ocean. There were constant howling winds that lashed up the spray from the water and crashed it onto this precipice like a wave. On top of this, sat a lonely, broken, red London triple-decked bus. It was stupid because there was no way of actually really getting to the third level without climbing out the windows on the second level. I knew it was a bad idea but I wanted to go on top and sit inside the bus. It was missing at least one wheel and it rocked back and forth like an unbalanced desk. Although its condition suggested it had been there forever, the bus looked like it could slip off its mountain home and crash into the ocean any second. I looked at my map again and, like a 3-D Google Earth, could see the bus there. I zoomed in even further on the bus to try and figure out if it was stable enough to sit even for just a minute or two. Like before, as I zoomed in a lot, I suddenly found myself actually sitting inside. I was on the third level and could see the ocean out of foggy and cracked windows. Near the back of the bus sat a woman who looked out the window blankly as though it were actually moving. I got our of the bus (one way or another) and walked down the path leading away from it down the hill the bus was sitting on. I was on a quiet suburban English street with nothing unusual on it besides the fact that as I looked back, there, sitting where maybe one or two houses would have been was a big hill of slippery black rock and on it, the bus. Kids as well as their parents were climbing on it like it was a playground when suddenly a man told me they shouldn't be up there and a medical helicopter was coming to take anyone who “will get hurt in the next few minutes” to the hospital or at least help them off the bus. The people on it were all either parents around thirty years old or they were their kids whom the oldest was no more than seven. A helicopter landed and an Indian man (from India) came out and inspected the surroundings. Although I tried to explain to him to urgency of the situation, he just stared at what was happening then looked around at other stuff too. He began rambling on about something but because he was obviously of no help, I went back to the bus. People were climbing onto the bus from the balcony on the second floor of a house next to it. A woman, maybe twenty-five, held her baby over the edge and attached the little jacket it was in to a hook on the outside edge of the balcony. I recoiled in horror and was about to yell but she shook her head and I could tell she wanted me to be quiet for just a moment. Desperate, I turned to see if the Indian man was seeing this but instantly I heard everyone gasped. Before I had even turned my head back, I knew what was happening. I ran as fast as I could to where it was falling because it was only maybe ten feet away. Diving, arms outstretched, I woke up in a sweat.

Nap of August 18, 2009 Woke up at 4:20 PM

I remember the entire dream was like in Fallout 3. Stuff looked the same (only more realistic), there were the same voices, etc. The places I went were new and completely different. I was walking around some docking yards after wandering the Wasteland for a while. Some Brotherhood of Steel knights were rummaging through the post-apocalyptic ruins for old tech. The building we were in and around was huge. There was a wide, tall office building with empty large floors and all the furniture gone. A huge two-story tall bridge with windows and the works spanned 150 feet long, two stories above the ground. It connected to what looked like an old abandoned mall. I asked the Brotherhood of Steel people if I could just tag along with them for mutual security and because I was going through that area too. They agreed and we all proceeded to enter the office building. A lot of the doors were blocked and nearly all the furniture was either taken or burned away. The walls and windows were mostly missing making it look like a construction site. We proceeded onto the top level of the bridge. It was a bit like a really long attic built really just for access to the bridge's roof. I saw a large CD nearly the size of a record disc and so I picked it up, knowing it would unlock more background music (like in Super Smash Bros. Brawl). Although it all looked, felt, listened and smelled like real life, I think I perceived it a bit like a video game at the same time as know it was real life. Perhaps it was more like real life had video game characteristics, I don't know (or really care). Meanwhile, my new friends were being attacked by raiders, yelling their usual, annoying catchphrases and battle cries. I ran up, helped them in the gun fight and we continued across the bridge into the mall from where the raiders came out of. Inside, there were no raiders or other people. Fewer things were missing, the walls were intact, it was dark, the escalators which criss-crossed the middle of the building were still intact, there were consumer goods still on the shelves and it was pretty much in a well preserved condition. I walked out the doorway from the bridge and turned to the left and walked into a store with video games and ATV's. Homer Simpson was with me now, even dressed in the same dark, faded green Ranger's Battle Armor. He jumped on one of the display ATV's and started to ride in circles around the store floor. A gaunt, bony, very strict looking old woman at the counter asked Homer if he had taken classes on how to ride the ATV's. The question was not a hidden compliment but a verification that he should be allowed to ride at all. She had to ask several times until finally Homer turned off the ATV. The woman asked one more time very sternly and glared at him. Home beated around the bush and very slowly backed towards the door. Seeing what was coming, I ran up beside him. Swiftly, we turned and walked quickly out the door. The woman protested angrily, "You're not just going to run away, are you?" but we were already gone. Havin forgotten completely about the Brotherhood of Steel, I sat down at a kiosk where the two main characters from Schindler's List (I forget their names) were serving drinks to Natasha. As Homer sat down, he turned into Chuck Nolan from Cast Away. He ordered a drink. Natasha, who looked a little older but still certainly not of drinking age, ordered a small drink in a shot glass by wispering into the bartender's ear and gave it to me, saying she recommended it. She trying to supress a smile, I agreed. It tasted acidic and with a corrupted sweetness and on the whole very bad. She laughed to herself at her little prank and revealed it was, "Stale Ale". The drink wasn't that bad so I shrugged and looked at Tom Hanks. Music started playing. Heavy, dramatic, orchestral music of the kind played when the world is ending of a main character is dying of a heart attack and he dragging himself on the floor, two feet away from the dropped bottle of medication that would instantly cure him. That's exactly what Tom Hanks' situation looked like. Suddenly, people appeared out of nowhere as if there the entire time but invisible. They were dark and gloomy, like the ghosts on the train in Spirited Away. Tom Hanks was on the floor, slightly spasming, eyes wide open in terror of an unknown thing. Everyone else walking by saw him as a pathetic curiosity to swept up later or didn't see him at all. Somehow I knew it was the music bothering him and as it grew louder and the orchestra was reaching its climax, I explained to him, that that was all it was: music. Still scared, but coming to his senses, he looked at me, then slowly sat up as I said, "Listen, here is the part in the the would-be movie where the giant wave swells up and is about to hit the ship, and, hear, the hero's medicine is at his fingertips and the theater audience silence their heartbeats to listen and feel as they wait together, huddled in fright and anticipation, to see on their silver screen if he will live or die. In their frozen heads, they know the ending to all those sorts of movies, but in that sacred second, they forget and they wait." At that, I wake up.

Night of August 17-18, 2009

I remember mainly two large parts of the same huge dream. During the first, (which I remember less) I was with Mama, Papa, and Natasha at Grandpa and Grandma B.'s house. There was a lot of Western culture references in everything we did, said, and saw. Meanwhile, Papa was having some sort of mid-life crisis and he kept wearing my T-shirts and getting on our nerves by trying to act extra cool. As for the second part, I was at a week-long summer camp. It was with everyone from Culham although I'm sure there were more people there than that. For the moment, we didn't really have anything to do. It was just a big free-time and everyone was just wandering around with their friends on the huge grounds. It was very hot and sunny, with the climate a bit like that of the LA suburbs: deserty shrubs, brownish grass, but still plenty of trees and by no means arid. I remember walking around on a hillier part near the edge near some buildings of no particular importance or interest. I then walked down to the central "dip" of the camp (in topographical terms) where the bathrooms were, opposite some of the dorms. They were communal bathrooms in that they shared the same sinks and all but the toilets were all in stalls. There were no urinals and the showers were somewhere else. I think I was with a few people from the French section and we, just like in real life, were roaming around trying to find some others. We found a few of them messing around in the bathroom when we heard the head honcho coming. We grabbed what we were doing and power-walked past him outside away from whatever they had done (if anything). I looked at my itinerary for the week and saw different things. There was a different job or activity for every day of the week. There was a fishing boat day, a railroad day, focussing on track-laying, and a few others I can't remember. "Inside" the whole activity was written what more specifically we'd be doing. For the fishing, there were things like, "safety talk", "boat", etc. For every day, after the first part of our activity, which usually was a safety talk, was planned something at least an hour long called "iPod". Pondering the possibilities and implications, I wake up.

Night of August 16-17, 2009

I remember walking around a town. A little grey. I was with Mama and Papa. I kept wanting to go down alleys or between certain barriers or posts because I knew that if I did, it would summon some monsters and I'd get to fight them. Ultimately looking out for my safety, they forbade me and nearly forcibly enforced that decision. I was really dissapointed and almost started to cry. When I wanted to go down the alley, they grabbed me and asked why I wanted to go down it. Before I could anser, they remembered that it's something of a trap. You enter and it loops around itself until all the monsters are dead. Then I said, "Yeah, and then you get the treasure!" They then pushed me on to wherever we were actually going. Around that time, the game (because that's what I knew it was from the beginning, even if I was part of it) and I "separated". Instead of being in the video game, I was controlling it, although there still was the same view point for the most part. I was on a sleepover with Peter at my house and after we got bored of that game (where I was stuck and kept wandering around some sort of train station or airport) and he went through my older ones looking at how far I had gotten or how long it took me to finish it. Usually he had done better and kept teasing me about it which got on my nerves quite a bit.
I assume that that dream ended and I moved onto another one without waking up because I remember a few scenes of something pretty much competely different. At first I wasn't even in the dream. There was a group of people, mostly girls, no more than five strong, staying at a hotel. They had signed up for "Cool Lessons" and one of those annoying surfer dudes who thinks he's all that but is actually pretty pathetic, the kind you sort of snicker at with your friends in disbelief, was trying to show them how to do backflips off the second floor balcony into the pool. He just belly-flopped. Then I was there, in the pool, watching it all. I was just like, "Okay, whateve," when I saw that and decided just to swim. I went underwater and stood on the bottom of the fifteen or twenty foot deep pool. I then tried to kick off from the bottom but I would just sink back down before I got close to the surface. There was a ledge in the pool at around two or three feet deep that I had tried to hold onto and pull myself up but my fingers slipped underwater. As I sank back down, the pressure was stronger and I was running out of air fast. I didn't know if a lifeguard had seen me in which case it would be better to just stay put. If one didn't see me, on the other hand, my only chance would be to try to get the surface. I could feel the panic setting in. I wanted to take a deep breath but remember that I probably shouldn't at the bottom of a pool. The pool was long so I wouldn't have time to walk the bottom to a shallower part because the slope was very gradual. My lungs were stinging; no, on fire. I was very tired. I mustered up all my strength and in a final, last-ditch effort, pushed up as hard as I could, aiming for the ledge and kicking a little bit too. Six inches from the edge, I wake up.

Night of August 15-16, 2009

I remember being at a school, in a big cafeteria. They were serving breakfast food for lunch and it was really complicated and unintuitive to order so the woman just gave me a menu to look at. Most people were, had to, or did eat because there was just me in line. My good friend who was a girl (not quite girlfriend) whom I've never seen in real life, came up and gave me a hug. I don't remember any of the dream until a part where we, along with a guy and girl, both from the school, both our friends, and both whom I've never seen before. They were kinda good acquaintances between each other. We all were at some sort of theme park. They decided to go on those scary rides where you sit in a little car and you ride around looking at bleeding skeletons and spider webs. I hate those rides and apparently, so did my "girlfriend". While our two friends in the car behind us were having the time of their lives, we were cowering in fear, huddled together, eyes shut tight, longing for it to end. To make matters worse, the ride stopped in the middle of the ride, next to all sorts of abominations. The safety bar popped up and a loudspeaker said it would be a few minutes until they could fix the problem. One of our friends came up and asked if one of us wanted to swich places. Scared, frightened and terrified, I very reluctantly agreed. Shuffling over to the other car, I wake up. It may sound like a bad dream but it was just an amusement park ride and the person next to me not only understood but shared my fear of those kinds of rides. I don't know why we ever agreed...

Night of August 14-15, 2009

During this long dream, I remember being with different friends in different places all over Europe and maybe even the world. From running around Notre Dame in our underwear and carrying a laptop and laughing all the way to stumbling across a surprise party in a train station to two people leaving. Trains really were the theme. Way in the beginning of the dream, there was steam engine I got to ride on, going through mountainous terrain and through tunnels. The friends I was with and I would always almost miss the train. As in we're running along, tapping on the window of the train driver's cab as it pulls away and he has the kindness to open the doors and slow down enough so we could hop on. Seeing the world in my head with friends I actually don't know, I wake up.
There was another dream, now that I think about it. I think it was before the train one. I just remember little parts. I was in some kind of theme park. It was Ferrari (or some other supercar) themed. I remember trying to drive the fast go-karts around a scale model of a famous track. I recall hanging from a wall. Well like going up to it and putting my arms up, holding onto it, and stretching only to accidentally rip something (maybe sprinkler tubes) behind it. Whether I woke up and fell back asleep or this dream turned into the train one directly, I don't know.

Night of August 12-13, 2009

The dream was straight out of Call of Duty 4. I was with Gaz and Capt. Price and we stormed through my real-life house. I think we got Osama Bin Laden captured. We took him prisoner and then received the order to kill him. We tried but I think he was wearing a bullet-proof vest although we didn't know it. We tried to shoot him but it really didn't do anything. It was only until I plunged a fifteen-inch steak knife through his back that our mission was done. Brutal, huh? Walking through a dark alley in Chinatown and heaing the locals calling us demons, then thinking to myself, "I'm more like a Grim Angel," I wake up.

Night of August 9-10, 2009

I remember being in a courtyard for something then leaving a while later with a large group of friends whom I have never met before. We all went to my house where Mama and Natasha were too (maybe with some of their friends). I asked what we were supposed to do and she replied, "Whatever you want." At that, most of the friends went in the house to go do who knows what. One girl and maybe some other people stayed. She looked a little like Serene from Riviera: The Promised Land (which makes sense because I had been playing it for hours straight the evening before) and was my age. We were wondering what to do when she suggested we take a, "Japan Trip." I asked her what that was and she replied it was, "a trip where you go to Japan and photograph Mount Fuji then you come back." I thought that was an amazing idea and high-fived her. Underneath my house (which was nothing at all like any of the houses I've ever lived in) there was a Boots. For some reason, I had to change my pants (I think they had gotten wet) so the girl waited for me but when I was done, she had disappeared. I wandered around the store which gradually turned into a train station (like the Tube) then a high-speed bus station with buses going extremely fast and running on concrete grooves almost like rails. I ran around in circles trying to find her and started to get stressed out. I even jumped from one platform to the other narrowly missing a bus-thing I hadn't seen. Finally, I found the elevator up (because, even before, the Boots was underground although by now I think the dream changed everything so much that my house wasn't even there anymore). As I got onto the elevator and pushed the button, I woke up.

Night of August 1-2, 2009

I remember most of the dream was normal. Ok, that doesn't mean anything. Uh... I remember it was pretty much real life. I was near some parks in England. When suddenly, there was a massive explosion on the horizon. I can only describe it as soft, as it wasn't like much heat or fire but just the huge flash and giant shockwave. Out of nowhere, cars were thrown fifty feet in the air. The weird thing is that buildings, cars, and scenery got hit the most, I wasn't thrown in the air however. It was like walking in really strong wind while the same blast blew out windows and uplifted trees. All that only lasted a few seconds. That dream world truely ended when I woke up.

Night of July 31-August 1, 2009

I remember Natasha extremely upset over something and I was being blamed for provoking her. I was in like major trouble but I hadn't done anything. Very upset over being framed, I wake up.
Dream after first. This one was short as well but I remember being allowed to drive. I was lent a really weird car though. In the dream, it was one of those tuned up from The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift. The main problem was that it didn't have a steering wheel and turned instead by leaning. It was very clever and could have worked if I knew what I was doing but I didn't. Trying to take a British right-handed turn, ending up on the wrong side of the street and doing my absolute best to steer and not crash a beautiful yellow super car, I wake up.

Night of July 30-31, 2009

I just remember being with my friends from Lycée Français and it being a good dream. Sorry...

Night of July 29-30, 2009

I remember being with Mama walking around part of a city. We turned off the street and went along some of the paths between the houses and through their backyards. I think I was in San Francisco because there were all the hills. It was very sunny though. We got to out destination by walking through a construction site. It was a small building with a pool. There was a party. (We had been invited.) The dream then changed completely and I remember sitting in a small room, bathroom or what would be a large closet. I was with Julien F. and I think Olivier J. was there too. We were just chatting, hanging out, and doing nothing. Sitting in a dark room but still having fun, I wake up.
Deuxième rêve. I remember being at school except that it was a desert setting. I was hot and dusty but other than that, it was pretty much the same. My class and I were in a classroom where most of the blinds and curtains had been drawn to keep out the blazing sun. We received a strange test, like one of those that the school orders to be able to get rid of its flaws, or one that is a government requirement and nobody wants to take it or even knows what to answer. I think it was closer to the latter. We were lined up like we were having an exam and there were at least three or four teachers too. Didier F. gave us all a quiz. When someone had asked what it was for, he answered, "to test whether or not you are getting all the patriotic benefits you are entitled to." It sounded like he meant that it was to see if the government was giving us everything it should. Anyways, the questionnaire had only two questions both with "yes" or "no" boxes to check. The first one was, "Do you have a flag or map of the country to hang up in your room?" (they're talking about England here). I don't own a flag or map of Great Britain (or even the US) so I checked the "No" box. I don't remember what the second question was but it was just like the first and had to do with our names. I checked "No" on that one too. Mr F. then went around and picked all our test back up. Out of curiosity (since our answers weren't secret or anything), he asked who had put "No" on the first one. Maybe a third of the class raised their hand. Then he asked who had put "No" on the second as well. He said whoever did will come see him and have detention. I was the only one with my hand up and he looked at me. In the biggest state of, "What?!?!" in my entire life, I wake up.

Night of July 28-29, 2009

I remember the dream was like an entire episode of Cowboy Bebop. That figures because I had watched at least ten episodes and downloaded and listened to the entire soundtrack. It was a "new" episode focusing on Ed and a new friend she had made. They received some little presents from a man but it turned out later that he was the one they wanted to claim the bounty on his head. They knew where he would be but everytime Ed et al. went, the man left as though he knew knew they were coming. On top of that, he would mock them by hacking their video monitors. Right when they were about to give up, Ed and her friend realize that it may have to do with the presents. They take them out and sure enough, there are little tracking devices inside. Enjoying Ed's spirit and spunk, I wake up.
Segundo sueño. I remember walking around a town and visiting a mini version of the Natural History Museum of Oxford and that little-museum-they-have-in-the-back-with-all-the-human-made-stuff-but-I-can't-remember-its-name. Anyways, a little later I come home with Mama who was with me. In the dining room, my "best friend" (whom I've never actually seen in real life) is there on my Xbox 360 listening to Radio One and doing something on the Internet. He had also called up the people at Radio One and was talking with them as people can and do. When I came in, my friend was talking to the Radio One man about something and the man hummed a song that he had been taught by someone who claimed he had made it up. I recognized it immediately as, "that Christmas song." He then did too and laughed and laughed. There was a contest going on (at other times) on the radio station; one of those "you are the fifth caller, you won" types. But for recognizing the song when he hadn't the Radio One man sent us one of the prizes which was a special virtual item to be used in or on your Xbox 360. The Radio One man sent us two via the Internet and we downloaded our prizes which I'm still not sure what they were. Anyways, the dream then went into to the game we (my friend and I) decided to then play which was some version of Halo. By "into the game", I mean that it was like virtual reality and like being in the game rather than controlling it. Just like last time one of my dreams was in a video game (Night of July 18-19, 2009). Anyways, the game looked like Halo and I was playing with my friend, Mama, and some other random people. I decided that we should have some fun so I opened up a cheat menu (like in Call of Duty 4) and "froze" the game so everything was paused and we could walk around and mess with the monsters. Mama and I went into a tower or guardhouse type structure and on the top floor was one of the enemy monster troops making a silly pose. By the side of the room was a trap door in the floor to the level beneath it, and there another one; three in succession to the first floor into a pit. I opened the trap door for the floor we were on and looked straight down the hole three stories long. I turned to Mama and smiled. She smiled too and said, "Oh no, I know what you're going to do." Just then, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the monster was swaying and his eye moved, as though he hadn't been affected by the "freeze" and was just pretending. When he say I had realized his phoney, he turned and looked at me. He then ran and jumped down the succession of holes in the floors and slammed in the pit on the first floor with a loud thud. Mama and I looked at each other with a, "Whoa, what was that?" look and then looked down where he had landed. In true video game fashion, which means for no apparent reason, his head and his waist with his legs had all separated from his body. Disgusted and slightly horrified if not traumatized, I wake up. I guess it makes sense though, as Halo games are terrible in the real world too...

Night of July 27-28, 2009

I remember walking around on an old English country road. My dog (who looked like Milou) had gotten stabbed with a knife by an unknown assailant. I had to go out and find the cure as well as who did it. I remember another scene where I was on a ship with two men. One I didn't remember very much but the other one was completely insane (in a happy senile kind of way) and we were really happy that the former was alive and well after something had previously happened. That was when my dog got attacked. I know that the dream was very long and had a lot happening in it, I can't remember the details or even the basics. In any case, back on the wide, wet, deserted, English country road, my dream continued for a long time before I woke up.
I remember a second dream with Grandpa and Grandma B.. At first, I was walking around somewhere in Spain with Gonzalo C. M. but then he disappeared and I went in a car with Mama, Papa, and Natasha who had then appeared. We were then driving through the American south-west with Grandpa and Grandma. Then they all left the dream and I was driving with someone who looked a lot like Victoria P. along a cold and cloudy coastline. Then, later, I was back with my family again and we were taking a bus through and around what I guess was Oxford. It kept going in circles at some stops. Finally, it went back to the one we had gotten on at for the third time and Grandpa and Grandma got off. We all said goodbye, and, getting on the bus who's driver was anxious to keep going, I woke up.

Night of July 26-27, 2009

I remember that this was a dream I had before. I was walking home and a man was following me. He was 35 to 40 years old with a green turtle neck sweater and two big suitcases. I had gotten off the bus. My stop was out in the woods and my house was through a trail. It was maybe four or five o'clock in the afternoon. I was walking down the trail and saw him following. I know he was bad so I walked faster. The trail ended in a gravel front courtyard with one car parked in it. Papa may have been in the driver's seat, I don't remember. The door of the car was open for me so I ran for it. The man dropped his suitcases and ran after me. He was really fast. I jumped in the car and slammed the door but the window was down. It was a manual window with a crank. When I saw this, a terrible feeling of dread came down: the nightmare feeling. The man reached through the open window and opened the door. Fighting him, he sat next to me and tried to grab me. I shouted at him. I tried to punch him but everytime I did the heavy, tired, terrified feelings of the Nightmare feeling would make my punch slow, like punching underwater. On top of that, his wildly sadistic grin and fire in his eyes only paraded his determination to get me. Fighting but losing, I wake up.
Then I had a second dream. I don't remember how it started (I never do) but it was much more like a movie than an experience. There were a few people to the story: a woman who loved a man, he always had two or three dogs with him, and his friends. I hardly remember any of it. The man and the woman were supposed to go together to a (American) football game. The game proceeded normally until something happened like a helicopter crash, a terrorist bomb's going off, or an earthquake. The entire stadium began to catch fire and fall apart as gas lines inside exploded. The man died in the fire and the woman learned so on TV. Then, separate from the dream, some people commented on what had happened and a little twelve year old Chinese boy said something about silence and wisdom, I wake up after receiving his nugget of wisdom. While the second dream sounds absurd, (mainly because I only remember little parts of it) it was actually very good. "Good" as in like a movie. I don't think I was even in the dream watching what was happening, but more like the camera, sweeping shots in between people and the like. If my dream was a movie, it would have been impressive with bold, sweeping camera shots, powerful color tones, a mind blowing orchestral for the guy dying in the fire part, and on top of that, the lines weren't even too corny (except at the end), and the action was epic. Of course, my dream wasn't a movie and it is dissapearing out of my head even I write what I can down. Maybe it's better that way...

Night of July 25-26, 2009

As for the dream itself, I really can't remember anything. Anything at all. As for the very end though, I remember "waking up" to write down my dream but when I saw that the dates were all messed up and there was stuff I hadn't written, I realized that that was actually still a dream so then I really woke up to write it now. Of course, what's to say I'm not still in dream right now as I write these words. That's the thing with dreams, you never really know when you might wake up.

Night of July 24-25, 2009

It started out in a city. I don't remember what I was doing exactly but I was with some friends (adults). We ended up talking about things that had happened a long time ago. One of them mentioned when I beat him at bowling. Then for the whole dream, I relived that faithful night. It was one of the most random-filled experiences ever! I don't even remember the storyline of it but it had everything. There were parts at bowling alleys where suddenly a mob of people dressed up in costumes of every profession, character, and thing in the world who would line up with us and then each take a bowling ball and walk down the ailse and climb down where it turned into an escalator lit by purple neon lights leading down to who knows where. I would take a little turn out a door and end up outside in a parking structure, get in the car, and drive to a firestation where they were all partying. At some point, I'm back home with a girl (who I didn't actually see but know she's there as part of the dream). It's some apartment like Vernon and Karen B.'s. Turns out, I had to get up in the middle of the night to take care of two newborn babies. The whole city was crazy, alive, absurd, and wonderful. Trying to cope in the midst of all, getting the hang of it, absorbing the randomness to share with the real world when I wake up, I eventually do.

Night of July 23-24, 2009

All I remember is something having to do with boarding in the sky exactly like in Eureka Seven. Now, I was watching, participating, or whatever, I have no idea. Either on the ground or in the air, I woke up.

Night of July 22-23, 2009

I remember just little pieces of a huge dream. There was a freight train, the John Radcliffe Hospital where I desperately tried to find Mama who had been injured, a huge military complex where I was taking out guards but had to get out off quickly because maybe it was goint to self-destruct, and a tiny science bunker, hardly the size of a room, hidden under the polar ice where I had to pick up its resident (Thierry C.) so he could seal it off forever. Somewhere in the beginning of all this, my dream started, and somewhere at the end, I woke up.

Night of July 21-22, 2009

I remember a large city with a small park inside. I was walking by to a bus stop when alarms sounded. There were big fifteen-foot tall monster people running around. To me, this didn't seem like anything special because therer was a lot of strange things like that running around. Nobody else seemed to care either. At the bus stop was just about all the students from my current school and from the Lycée Français. We were waiting to go on a fieldtrip over a couple days. They had some suitcases and duffle bags and were talking. Then, a city bus pulled up to drop off some people. I was sitting on the sidewalk right where it pulled up. A crazy woman flailing her arms around and yelling was the first one off. I was so startled I scooted on my bottom all the way backwards away. Just then our teacher (who happened to be Jacques F. from CM2) arrived with some other people we were supposed to impress, maybe they were sponsors or something. They saw me flailing myself backwards on the ground and Jacques immediately started to try and make excuses for me. He said I had a mental disability and this was the only way I moved around. He also said that I never talked to anyone. He gave me a look like, "If you don't play along to impress these people to make them believe what I said, you're dead!" as everyone else crowded around to see what was happening. Trying my best to bite my tongue and not burst out laughing, I lower my head in silence. Meanwhile our school bus had come to take us wherever we were going. After Jacques' evil eye, I scooted my rear into the bus. It was a small bus for so many people and we had to sit very squished up. I ended up next to Millie C-D. and I apologized for acting so weird but that it wasn't my fault. She laughed it off reassuring me she understood. The bus ride was not actually very long although it seemed like we ended up very far away from where we started. On the bus, someone mentioned they had forgotten their invitation (presumably to the fieldtrip). I didn't have one either and, come to think of it, hadn't even packed and brought a bag that I can remember. Our destination was a dusty road we had to walk down. There were crop fields on either side filled with golden wheat ready to be harvested. The separate the path from the farming were pretty big hedges with some spaces inside and branches missing: not very watered or kept up. Once everyone had gotten off the bus and had found their suitcase, pillow, blanket and duffel bag, we all started the long walk down the dusty road to wherever we were going. The sun was hot, no make that extra hot. There was no humidity nor the slightest of breezes. The long caravan we formed, made of a line of groups of friends kicked up a cloud of dust. We moved slowly, some people stopping or sitting down to rest their legs or get a drink from thei water bottles. The blazing yet wonderful solar heat getting the best of me too, I sit down under an archway of hedges on the side, big enough for a few people, made from part of the hedge on the side of the road getting a hole cut through it. Tired, I lay down and wake up.

Night of July 20-21, 2009

The dream starts out in the darker, gloomier, dirtier, more dangerous part of a city. Drugs, alcohol and the sort are a problem with many children and teens affected. I don't remember the beginning very much but I was one of the those teens affected too. Then one day, while sitting down somewhere I was plucked up and brought to my house in Oxford. Well, in the dream, it wasn't my house but it was the same building. I had been kidnapped along with three others: a girl and a guy my age as well as my sister. Later, although I don't remember how long, we decide that we need to make a plan to escape. It had something to do with that we hide and while they start to search for us, (we would be separated into two pairs) one group would run for it and while our two captors ran after them, the second group would go. I was in my (real life) room getting some things and putting it in my backpack. The captors were two older men in their fifties or so however, they were athletically fit and no pushovers. They liked and trusted me the most so I used that to my advantage. We weren't kept together so the other three were hidden somewhere else. This was the start of the plan. I had put most of my things in my bag when one of our captors came up to my room to see what I was doing. He started monologuing about something. I saw the door to the room was open. This was it. He was holding my iPod, maybe thinking that I wasn't going to run because that was something I didn't want to leave behind. Well he was wrong! As he went into my room, I smiled and said hello. I began to walk out of the room into the hallway, which was forbidden. He asked what I thought I was doing and I responded casually, "Oh, just getting some stuff." I then ran down the stairs to the door. Angry, but laughing, he mocks, "haha, you'll never get that door open!" The door doesn't have a doorknob but a little latch just like in real life. The chain wasn't even on. I knew how to open the door so I did and ran into the street. I was so happy that my plan worked, I had nearly forgotten about my friends. I yelled, "let's go, let's go! Come on!!" and a second later all three bolted out the door, followed closely by our two hosts. We turned right on Stainfield road down the hill were some stores and, maybe, we hoped, some people. All four of us zoomed down the hill. Our tired, unnourished legs powering us to never before seen speeds as this, right now was survival. Our two captors were on our tails. We shouted and encouraged each other and gave ourselves the pushes and support we so desperately needed. The other guy was very tired and two thirds down the hill, slowed down. One of the captors picked him up wile the other his breath for just a moment. I shouted to the girls who had run ahead to come back and help and they did. Meanwhile, I flew up to the captor who was holding my new friend and pounced on him, dragging him down as I bit hard to blood. There, I don't remember anything else of the fight. Maybe I was knocked out by the other captor or hit my head as we fell down. Either way, the next thing I remember is waking up on the curb with my friends next to me. The bad guys were being loaded into a police car and another policeman was interrogating my friends and me about what had happened. Together, we saved ourselves as well as saved the day! With that good thought in mind, I wake up.

Night of July 19-20, 2009

I remember being in charge of my own little radio telescope or antenna as an amateur astronomer. I remember just the end of the dream where I got a massive sky-filling signal. I called up my friends who lived directly below me (I was living in San Francisco again and I guess Steve didn't live there). However, everytime we would get anything, they would climb out their window and come up through the patio rather than just run around up the stairs which would have taken just as long. We would also have to fight off somebody or something with a huge minigun. At one instance, there was a huge missile laying down and a wheeled stand and we had to shoot it. One friend was British, black and a lot like the researcher in The Day After Tomorrow. The other was fat, white and operated the gun, although he would always shoot our stuff by accident as well. Not a very coherent dream...

Night of July 18-19, 2009

It started out near Raymond's house with Peter, Emery D. and me. We were trying to plan out the week ahead with what activities we should do. (As usual) Peter and I were more for just hanging out but the D.'s wanted furiously to go to different waterworlds everyday. Peter and I relented. Next we were walking around and gradually they began to slip away out of the dream. Monsters began to appear and the whole thing turned into one big adventure videogame. Sometimes it looked perfectly realistic, sometimes it would switch over into a view just like an old Game Boy Color. This made the scenic tour through all sorts of old places. With realistic views of airport/casinos (from a very old dream), the city of Rapture from Bioshock, and the world of Harry Potter, as well as new places like a big park in a city with trails and playgrounds everywhere, it must've been going through the dusty shelves of old memories. At the end, I remember being kinda stuck and using the old Game Boy pixilated overhead view as a map screen. Out of nowhere Rémy G. recommended (although I could not see him) that I try to push on the blocks, "like a Zelda game." This worked and opened up a passage, here all hell broke loose. I was transported back to "an older level" and everyone around became hostile. Knowing I couldn't fight them all, I ran, passing through all sorts of levels, amassing a hoard of monsters behind me. Everytime I paused the game to swich weapons or whatever, the game would swich all the monsters on screen to one kind of super fast impossible things that looked like Wizzrobes (from the very first Zelda). Because the entire game seemed sped up, I wouldn't have time to do anything before the game would swich all the monsters and unpause the game as a penalty. In some sort of Advance Wars style valley, I, staying in the Game Boy Color view, decided to make a last stand. As what looked like flaming red Geodudes poured out of the mountain in front of me, I flung fireball after fireball at them in a desperate bid to somehow survive the screenfilling smorgasbord of enemies. Wondering if I could use some sort of arm motion to summon up a bigger fireball and knowing I had nothing to lose, I woke up. The end sounds scary but actually it was very fun. The entire dream, in fact, as a whole, was fun. They should make this a game (without the hopeless, crushing defeat part).

Night of July 17-18, 2009

Mama and I are going to go camping but we keep arguing about things that didn't make sense to me. It just didn't seem logical. It was a cold, drizzly, foggy day and everything around adopted the drab gray monochromatic color scheme. We dumped our stuff on the beach (where I suppose we were camping) but Mama said she didn't want to start setting up just yet. Instead, we went to a relatively small mall not far away. The locale was like the beaches of San Francisco and of Half Moon Bay combined: the concrete flood walls combined with the comparatively rural location. Mama and I went into a shoe store (mid pricerange). It was like Payless in that she could try on whichever shoes she wanted but there were also some pretty top-of-the-line shoes on display, as well. Anyway, while she was tring shoes on and I was getting bored, there was some sort of comotion, like an alarm going off or a noisy customer, I don't remember, but Mama saw her chance and took one of the off-limits display shoes to try on. Whatever had happened had settled down and now the store clerks were roaming around trying to find the source of a new alarm that had sounded (that being Mama's taking of the shoe). I said to her that they were getting suspicious and that if we wanted anything or not we should just plain leave and comeback another day. Absorbed in the beauty if the show and in narcistic delight, it took some convincing. I had to ask in French (because the clerk's seeing me stressed out after the alarm was all but giving us a bad name) as to not be completely exposed. Mama relented and we left the store posthaste. Just trying to get away, I went down the wrong way on the escalator (for fun, I guess). Befuddled but not vanquished by its speed and nearly at the bottom, I wake up.
I fell back asleep and had another dream. This time I was visiting again my old school Lycée Français La Pérouse at the Ortega campus. As in all my dreams, it's never exactly the same with hallways and what not mixed up and not where they should be but it was nice to be in that setting even if it wasn't exactly right. I had a little bit of class then a long P.E. lesson. I talked to my old friends a little bit too, although not to Leah T., Raymond D., and Peter B., surprisingly enough. The lunch area was completely different with barriers for the lunch line like for roller coasters and there was a massive plasma TV for something. Waiting in a crowded line for lunch, I wake up. I liked this dream very much. It had no stress or pressure or anything bad. It was just a sunny day, visiting my old school and hanging out with my old best friends one more time.

Night of July 16-17, 2009

Mama, Natasha and I were taking the bus down somewhere that looked a lot like Daly City (near the movie theater). We were going to an aquarium, I think. Papa called and asked if I had brought my inhaler but I hadn't. Next, I took a bike or maybe a motorcycle down to hill of the large boulevard we were on and I stopped at a tiny kebab stand behind a gas station. Not sure of what to order and a bit offset by the goopy cups of spinach, I asked the man (manning the stand) if I could use the toilet on board. While Mama was ordering, I woke up.

Night of July 15-16, 2009

I remember being in an enormous hotel or office building skyscraper, and looking down on a huge roundabout like the Arc de Triomphe but with a large fountain instead. I remember a strange scene where, looking out of the windows on the side at one of the adjacent buildings, it looking run down and bad from one angle and through one pane but then it looked luxurious and rich through another window pane. Surely much later in the dream, I remember being back home in the "room" between the kitchen and the backdoor. There was a spider and somehow and for some reason I had caught it in an awkward fist. I was trying to crush it but I wasn't holding it very well to do that. I finally managed but could feel it writhing while I did. I have no idea why I didn't wake up because normally I'm terrified of spiders. Anyways, I remember that some people (university age) were coming over to stay the night (and maybe even longer). There were two girls and at least one guy. In my room, extra mattresses had been put up against mine to make one very wide bed. The two girls were to sleep with me. I said to myself, "this is the weirdest dream, ever!" at that woke me up.

Night of July 14-15, 2009

I am in some sort of fieldtrip school group with a bunch of people I don't know. We are in a building. It is hot, humid, and muggy. It may be a museum. It is extremely crowded. I just mosey along, looking at stuff. By the time I get up to the first/ground floor, (I guess I started in the basement levels) there are many doctor offices and still many people. By now, the fieldtrip group is unimportant and irrelevant and for some reason I am trying to get an appointment although there are communication problems between the receptionist and me (he had a really strong African accent). Needing the bathroom in both the dream world and the real world, I wake up.

Night of July 13-14, 2009

There is some sort of panic in the upper classes. The lowers are dead from a virus or infection somewhere tropical or like the Nile. I mostly listen to those in charge discuss what to do and the horrible deaths that meet anyone who catches it. After, I have to wait in some sort of rather small bunker. It is underground or underwater or something. I am the only one there and just wander through a little bit before waking up.
After falling asleep after writing up the latter dream, I had another one, although I don't remember it very much. It had to do with, at first, my old school in San Francisco, at the Ashbury campus. The trees and other vegetation in the street were remarkably lush and it was perfect sunny day. Everyone there seemed preoccupied and was running around. The next thing I remember is fighting off one or two evil wizards or something in a rocking canyon pass (reminiscent of the path between Kakariko Village and the section of Hyrule Field to the northwest with high ledges on either side in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) while having command of a huge, rather dumb, beast that was cross between a Harry Potter troll and the Cloverfield monster. I remember being on top of a ledge on the side of the canyon wall and looking down on the creature as I clapped to encourage it to squish my belligerents. Suddenly, it conjured up a massive dragon head-shaped fireball which swooped around and engulfed my opponents. As my friend from the Lycée come down to congradulate me, I wake up.

Night of July 12-13, 2009

Mama, Natasha and I were having a sort of cook-out BBQ in a a neat little cranny in some sort of half abandoned strip mall with an enormous parking lot. The area was almost as if you can picture the rows of stores in an outdoor mall and on a corner, you removed the entire store itself leaving a hole. There was a microwave on one end and just us three were there. Mama said there would be a/the dance at some hour in the evening. I was uneasy about having it. We put the food away and she gave us some of her (alcoholic) drink. She said to be careful if anyone catches us, especially Natasha because otherwise she (Mama) would be sent to the hospital. I corrected her, saying, "prison." On that cue, at least two dozen people (I've never seen before) began to appear and line up in front of me. I had ditched my drink, but one man (blond, 25-30 years old) saw Natasha with hers and, thinking it was lemonade, asked for a glass of that. Mama nodded to me and I ran a ways to a rather dilapidated grocery store filled with mostly potato chips. Everywhere, it was getting more and more crowded. I ran through the store (I don't remember if I bought or took something to buy) but halfway through, I felt my phone or someother similar device vibrate in my suit pocket (yes, somehow, I'm now wearing a suit). Still running, I see Daniel B., apparently waiting for me. We run off back to where I was before as I say, "Hey man, where's your satelite-fax?" and he laughs. Back where we were before, the party is now indoors. The music is remarkably quiet but there are still a few people including Gabbey H. dancing. Inside the room, there are several counter-tops with space underneath and a large metal sink. (As a remark, there are only people I don't know or people from the English Section at school.) On the other side of the room are large glass windows and the door. The room is pretty narrow, too. It looks like an abandoned store. Near the sink, Mama is allocating were to put and cook food. I wake up, apprehensive about the whole thing.