A Dream Journal

I'd tried and failed several times to keep diaries of my day to day life but every time I made an entry, I felt I was simply repeating myself as it was all stuff I'd just already done and said. I have a knack for remembering my dreams so it came to me as the perfect hobby to try and remember my dreams and write them down the best I could. Dreams have always interested me and considering we spend much of our lives sleeping, I find it'd be a shame to forget all that time, strolling in our own subconscious.
Here is my dream journal, remembered the best I can, for your enjoyment and consideration.
(Please don't be worried by the relatively old dates in the titles of the posts. The journal is originally on paper and I'm currently typing it all up, posting it progressively from oldest to newest. This blog is still very much alive!)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Night of July 24-25, 2009

It started out in a city. I don't remember what I was doing exactly but I was with some friends (adults). We ended up talking about things that had happened a long time ago. One of them mentioned when I beat him at bowling. Then for the whole dream, I relived that faithful night. It was one of the most random-filled experiences ever! I don't even remember the storyline of it but it had everything. There were parts at bowling alleys where suddenly a mob of people dressed up in costumes of every profession, character, and thing in the world who would line up with us and then each take a bowling ball and walk down the ailse and climb down where it turned into an escalator lit by purple neon lights leading down to who knows where. I would take a little turn out a door and end up outside in a parking structure, get in the car, and drive to a firestation where they were all partying. At some point, I'm back home with a girl (who I didn't actually see but know she's there as part of the dream). It's some apartment like Vernon and Karen B.'s. Turns out, I had to get up in the middle of the night to take care of two newborn babies. The whole city was crazy, alive, absurd, and wonderful. Trying to cope in the midst of all, getting the hang of it, absorbing the randomness to share with the real world when I wake up, I eventually do.

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