A Dream Journal

I'd tried and failed several times to keep diaries of my day to day life but every time I made an entry, I felt I was simply repeating myself as it was all stuff I'd just already done and said. I have a knack for remembering my dreams so it came to me as the perfect hobby to try and remember my dreams and write them down the best I could. Dreams have always interested me and considering we spend much of our lives sleeping, I find it'd be a shame to forget all that time, strolling in our own subconscious.
Here is my dream journal, remembered the best I can, for your enjoyment and consideration.
(Please don't be worried by the relatively old dates in the titles of the posts. The journal is originally on paper and I'm currently typing it all up, posting it progressively from oldest to newest. This blog is still very much alive!)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Night of July 31-August 1, 2009

I remember Natasha extremely upset over something and I was being blamed for provoking her. I was in like major trouble but I hadn't done anything. Very upset over being framed, I wake up.
Dream after first. This one was short as well but I remember being allowed to drive. I was lent a really weird car though. In the dream, it was one of those tuned up from The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift. The main problem was that it didn't have a steering wheel and turned instead by leaning. It was very clever and could have worked if I knew what I was doing but I didn't. Trying to take a British right-handed turn, ending up on the wrong side of the street and doing my absolute best to steer and not crash a beautiful yellow super car, I wake up.

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